CAPSワークショップ 8/2  So you want to do a PhD in Europe?・報告




場所:関西学院大学上ヶ原キャンパス F号館303教室

企画者:片山 順一(関西学院大学 応用心理科学研究センター センター長)
司会:真田 原行(関西学院大学 応用心理科学研究センター 博士研究員)


Robin Orthey 先生(福山大学 特別研究員・Maastricht University)
平 伸二 先生(福山大学 人間文化学部)


I started my PhD in September 2014 in Portsmouth, United Kingdom, under the supervision of professor Aldert Vrij. Additionally, I was employed as a research assistant at Maastricht University, the Netherlands, for Dr. Ewout Meijer. After my job finished my PhD project was extended to Maastricht university for a joint degree. I am about to complete the project in 2018.

In my talk I will be sharing my experiences of PhD life in Europe, but also the many different options available. That will include the distinction between funded and self-funded PhD projects, traditional and continental PhDs, as well as different submission requirements in each country. Finally, I point out some potential sources of funding. My talk will focus on the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Germany.


In this workshop, Mr. Orthey introduced phD life in Europe, based on his own experience. In addition, he lectured us the way to apply the phD courses, and how we can get funding for them. There are some options to enter the courses, and applying systems are different among the countries, thus we should check them in advance.

During and after his talk, active debate was held. This workshop was a very good opportunity to get many information of phD life in Europe, especially for students who are thinking about studying abroad.
